Wow, what a difference a day makes!
Yesterday I made myself eat and hydrate like I said I would. I forced myself because I as I wrote you the other day, I didn't feel like doing it. Already my energy is up and my enthusiasm is back to a level I haven't felt since New Year's Eve.
The boring mundane of this post is essentially this...
yesterday I drank 2 -32 oz glasses of water, had one cup of tea. I ate oatmeal for breakfast, and if you haven't seen my recipe for sweet and creamy oatmeal, you can find it here. I only had a sandwich for lunch because I was feeling very drained and so not like eating, but I forced myself. I went through the motions and just threw some ham and swiss on some bread... I didn't grill it, I didn't even toast the bread, it was that bad, but I ate it. Then for dinner... I had a plan earlier in the day and the meal I had intended to have for lunch, I had for dinner. I sauteed some Italian sausage with mushroom, onion, zucchini and yellow squash in a little olive oil and balsamic. That was it, that was my day yesterday, but today I feel already so much stronger and able to hold focus, it's amazing!
So this is day two, I've had one 32oz water, one tea and an omelette, without cheese! Just veggies and it was fabulous.
Seriously, if there is nothing else you hear, hear me when I say that what you put in your body matters. This isn't about your weight or your appearance, it's about your health, your energy, your ability to chase your dreams, make a difference and build a life worth living!
I'll be revamping Raphael's food list this week and will publish that when
it's finished and I'll be making as many posts over here as I can. I'm not used to blogging on food and diet to be honest and it feels a bit strange still, but the only way around that is to blog about it until it comes naturally. ;-)
It's when I'm feeling like this, that I want to share, I want to encourage, I want you all to feel like this and it's the food, I'm telling you. Yesterday I felt like crap. Much of last week I was being eaten alive by fear and was sinking fast. Today I can think again, I just cleaned out my pups bed, something that needed doing for the last week, and there was just no way. Today I was just like oh yeah that bed needs cleaned and did it!
And let me tell you, I have two very happy pups now! They are doing their own leaps of joy. lol
Thing is, what we forget when we are under nourished and feeling like crap, is that we are not islands. People count on us, even if they don't want to. We matter in the lives of those around us, those we work with and those we celebrate with. When you are well, you can be so much more. For the last month I've just been this zombified body shuffling around on the planet with the rest of the walking dead, not caring, no focus, just getting through one day to the next and borderline depressed the entire time.
Today, I'm alive again and that is feeling quite like a miracle today.
I know when people are medicated for certain psychiatric disorders, they get to a point where they feel so good, they think they don't need the meds anymore... I think I did that with food.
I had dealt with my food issues, food was no longer an emotional hurdle for me to conquer and I was feeling so strong, that I shifted focus to other things and then the tank started emptying out and the car stalled.
Fact of the matter is we need food. Doesn't matter if you love it or hate it, if you can't stand having to spend the time, money, or energy on it, there is no way around the fact that our bodies are designed to exist needing fuel and how well you function is directly correlated to the quality of that fuel and how often you fill up.
I'll admit, in your 20s you can run on fumes and it doesn't seem to matter, but if you're in your 20s I would encourage you not to make that your norm, because you hit your mid thirties and things start to change, but we cling to old habits and those don't serve us at all.
In a way this seems like such a dumb thing to need to talk about, but I know what my relationship to food has been like over the course of my life, and I see what bad things I've taught my kids, I see what our country is doing as a whole, we are sick and over weight and not at all the vibrant extraordinary people we should be.
Food isn't a magic fix, but it is a great place to start and an important thing to give focus to.
You want an extraordinary life? You're going to have to take this aspect seriously.
It's hard, omg believe me for some of us it's excruciatingly hard... but we are so capable of doing this right.
I have to, there's no time left for me to screw around on this, but I hope something I share here will inspire you to take another look at how you're eating and how that's affecting your dream chasing, because in my experience, being aware is the first step to change and changing this... it can be all the difference in the world.
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