Let's Get Real

Food is so essential for our well being... it's fundamental. You are what you eat. You will only feel as healthy and have as much energy as the way you fuel the vessel and in this country, we suck at fueling the vessel!

I read recently that Europeans spend about 20% of their income on food while Americans spend about 9%... and we complain the entire time about the cost!

We've raised a second generation of kids who don't know how to cook, and we are letting our nutrition be decided by companies who's sole intent is to make money and will push things as far as they can to turn a profit. Lets face it, the heads of these companies are not losing sleep at night wondering if they've nourished the American people. Are foods are soaked in pesticides and chemicals and we sleep easy at night saying, well the government said it's safe.

I'm not trying to get political here, or be anti--governement, but don't you find it just the teeeeeniest bit stupid that we do this?

As I write this, I'm angry.

Not with the American people, the government who is failing us, or even the companies who are just doing what companies do... making money, but I'm angry
with myself.

I know better.

I know what good nutrition does for my brain and my spirit, yet I grab snack food rather than having real meals.

I know to a large degree what GMOs and pesticides are doing to my body, yet I complain about the extra cost for organic.

I know that artificial sweeteners are tricking my brain and helping to make me fatter, yet up until recently, diet soda was a staple of my diet.

I know that my weight compromises both my health and my quest in this life, yet I refuse to hassle myself to cook real foods. Instead I fallback on the oh so available and cheap, processed, fast and pre-ready foods.

I'm angry with myself for letting my body become what it has.

I'm angry with myself for not valuing my health more.

I'm angry with myself for knowing better, but not putting the effort into doing better.

Yet even as I type, I feel sort of lethargic and uncaring for the state of my health and body... I wonder if I put the effort in and just "did it anyway" this stupor of not caring would fade. I half wonder if my lack of concern is a side effect of what I'm eating. I've properly nourished myself enough to know the effects and I find it astounding that I can settle for anything less, but I do. Day in and day out I think, yeah it would be so nice to be healthy and fit... but sigh, it tires me to even think of it...

OH MY GOD!!! who am I?!?!?

Food is the Emperor's New Clothes, we all know what we're being fed is bad for us, is probably killing us... at least we should all know this, there's enough evidence around to prove it, yet we all sit back and say well it's just how it is, I'm busy, I can't afford that, but McDonald's just tastes so good... Yes the Emperor's clothes are lovely!

It horrifies me at times when I think about how we're just letting unknown entities decide for us what's okay to put in our bodies and what is not.

I have to stop.

I can't sit here and snicker, "The Emperor is naked" all the while applauding and giving my seal of approval to his beautiful suit of gold.

I have so much on my plate and it's so easy to excuse my eating habits with, we'll everyone is doing it... good lord if one of my kids said that to me... It's time to get real, real food, real nutrition, real life.

If you've read my blogs at all you know my absolute madness about truth, yet I'm living a lie in this area... and I'm telling you, as angry as I am, and as appalled as I am, I'm still sitting here going, it's not really that big of a deal... where's the pie!?!?!

This has to change and it has to change with me because at the end of the day, I'm the only one I'm responsible for. 

I don't feel like it. I'm not pumped or psyched or dying to jump in, but jump in I must. I cannot go one more day filling my body with chemicals, sugar, empty calories, artery clogging bad fats or synthetic flavorings to make the garbage I'm eating palatable. 

Get real Samantha!

It's time you wake up, take charge of your body and see what happens... anyone interested in that? Because I will be over-sharing this journey like I do all my journeys, it helps keep me on track. This time, it's not about weight. It's not about men, dating or sex. It's not about anything other than I'm getting older and I want to be strong and healthy with a sharp mind well into my 90s... and maybe it's a little about when they come to round up all the saturated, medicated, doped up zombies, I'll be able to fight back. ;-)

Yeah I live in my own little world, but still... I'm slightly haunted by those movies where you sit there screaming at the screen "NOOOOO don't eat it! It's poisoned!!!"

I don't like that I'm becoming a product of my society, of the choices others are making for me as much as choices I'm making myself. I'm too independent for that. This stops NOW.

Getting real... in 3... 2... 1

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