Green tea could be the healthiest beverage on the planet.
It is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that have powerful effects on the body which includes improved brain function, fat loss and a lower risk of cancer.
I have had a lifelong dislike for tea of all kinds, but last year I took on the task of drinking this powerhouse beverage and now it's one of my favorite treats!
I like mine with a little fresh cinnamon, a splash of vanilla and
organic half and half. Tastes like Christmas and I find that when I start and end my day with it, I stay more on a healthy mindset the rest of the time.
organic half and half. Tastes like Christmas and I find that when I start and end my day with it, I stay more on a healthy mindset the rest of the time.
I've struggled all my adult life with being inactive. Something about getting married and having kids really changed my lifestyle, sadly, in an unhealthy way. Add to that all the hours I spend in front of a computer writing and you have a pretty sedentary life. sigh
I decided this was the one thing I'd change before this year ended and I challenged myself to 84 days of fitness.
For me, this meant being active, very physical three times a week. I swim an hour, I do an aerobic workout, I do yoga, I plank and I lift weights.
I do hell all the other four days! lol
But on those three days, I make being active my top priority and I take it seriously and I just feel better and am damn proud of myself.
Drinking water is seriously the single best thing you can do for your health, your looks, your energy and quite frankly, the environment.
I've not always been the best at drinking water, but at the end of the day, the difference between being hydrated and not, is very telling... especially as you age.
I recently bought one of those infusion pitchers and am testing a wide array of homemade flavored waters. Call me a dork, but that kind of thing excites me. :-)
My number one reason for drinking water is that it promotes weight loss. It reduces hunger, raises your metabolism, has zero calories and flushes out those stores of fat we so badly want rid of.
Aside from that, being properly hydrated, and let's face it, only water hydrates the amazing system that is the human body, increases energy and relieves fatigue. Since your brain is mostly water, drinking it helps you think, focus and concentrate better and be more alert and for me, good lord that's a miracle! ;-)
Here's a big one that you may not notice if you're still in your twenties, but for those of us fighting the inevitable aging process, being properly hydrated improves skin complexion! Water keeps your skin fresh, soft, glowing and smooth and in my opinion and experience, gets rid of wrinkles. For that alone I'd drink it!
Water boosts your immune system, keeps your digestive system running smoothly, keeps joints lubricated and muscles more elastic. Are you seeing the point yet?
It's not "just a glass of water" it's your health, every single cell in your body wants it. If you aren't a big water drinker, I'd challenge you to see how different you feel after drinking 2 liters a day for a month.
Also, on a side note, I discover nearly 20 years ago, being chronically dehydrated, keeps you tense and angry. You feel stress and it's because your body is under stress from having to function without what it so desperately needs.
That's it, no matter what else I do for weight health, these three things are at the top of my list and I've learned to love each and every one of them.
That's it, no matter what else I do for weight health, these three things are at the top of my list and I've learned to love each and every one of them.
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